6 Mistakes to Avoid During Aluminum Fence Installation

Durable and beautiful, aluminum fences are loved by homeowners and businesses. However, like any home improvement project, there are common pitfalls to avoid. We are here to help you avoid the most frequent mistakes made during aluminum fence installation.

1. Inadequate Ground Preparation

Ground preparation stands as a cornerstone in the fence installation process. Many homeowners and businesses underestimate its importance, leading to potential structural issues.

Aluminum fences can "rack" or slant, which means they can adjust from one straight pole to another to accommodate uneven or sloping terrains. This racking feature is especially beneficial for properties with hilly landscapes, as it ensures the fence remains secure and visually appealing without gaps appearing at the bottom. However, the initial ground preparation remains crucial even with this racking ability.


Start by thoroughly inspecting the installation site. Remove any rocks, roots, or obstructions that might interfere with the fence's foundation. Using a level, check the evenness of the ground. For areas with a slight slope, the racking feature of aluminum fences will come in handy. However, it might be necessary to level the ground or adjust the fence design for steeper inclines or uneven terrains.

Consulting with a professional is always a wise decision if you're unsure about the ground's suitability or the extent of preparation required. They can guide grading the land, ensuring that the ground is suitable for the fence installation and optimized for its long-term durability and performance.

2. Not Checking Local Regulations

The importance of adhering to local regulations cannot be overstated. Each municipality, whether a small town or a large city, has its unique set of guidelines that dictate various aspects of fence installations. These regulations can encompass everything from the height and style of the fence to the materials used and the distance from property lines or public roads.

The reasons behind these regulations are multifaceted. They often aim to ensure safety, maintain aesthetic standards within a community, protect wildlife or natural resources, and prevent disputes between neighbors. Ignoring these rules can lead to fines and penalties and the potential removal of the installed fence, leading to wasted time, effort, and resources.


Before embarking on your fence installation project, make it a priority to call local officials. Engage with the relevant department, often the planning or building department, to gather information about the specific requirements for fence installations in your area. Inquire about necessary permits. Some municipalities might require a permit for all fence installations, while others might only require them for fences above a certain height or those made from specific materials. You don’t want to discover that you need a permit halfway through!

In addition to the official regulations, it's also advisable to consult with your homeowners' association (if applicable) as they might have their own set of guidelines regarding fence installations.

3. Ignoring Property Lines

Property lines are the invisible boundaries defining the extent of one's ownership. Overstepping these boundaries, especially during projects like fence installations, can inadvertently infringe on a neighbor's property. You can wind up in contentious disputes, souring relationships and potentially leading to protracted legal battles. Moreover, losing those fights might mean the costly removal or relocation of the fence.

The complexities arise because property lines aren't always as clear-cut as one might assume. Over time, original markers might get displaced, or natural landmarks once used as reference points might change. Additionally, previous owners might have made alterations without proper documentation, leading to confusion for future owners.


To avoid these complications, it's imperative to have an absolute understanding of where your property begins and ends. Start by reviewing any existing property deeds or land documents you possess. These documents often contain descriptions or diagrams that outline the property's boundaries.

If there's any ambiguity or outdated documents, commission a professional land survey. Land surveyors utilize specialized tools and techniques to determine property boundaries accurately. They can provide detailed maps and even place markers on the property to indicate boundary lines. This ensures that your fence installation remains within your property and provides a reference for any future landscaping or construction projects.

4. Failing to Consider Drainage

Drainage is a critical but often overlooked factor in the longevity and effectiveness of a fence. When water accumulates at the base of your fence, it can lead to problems beyond just looking bad. Over time, standing water can weaken the fence structure, causing it to lean, wobble, or even collapse. In the case of aluminum fences, while they resist rust and corrosion, water accumulation can still lead to discoloration and may affect the integrity of the fence's foundation.

The issue becomes even more pressing in areas prone to heavy rainfall, flooding, or snowmelt. In such conditions, improper drainage can quickly escalate into a significant problem, leading to costly repairs or a complete fence replacement. Moreover, poor drainage can also affect the surrounding landscape, causing soil erosion and negatively impacting plant health.


To mitigate these risks, it's essential to assess the drainage conditions of the installation site before proceeding with the project. Start by observing the land after heavy rain to identify areas where water pools. If the area is prone to water accumulation, consider implementing drainage solutions. One effective method is the installation of French drains. These are trenches filled with gravel and a perforated pipe that redirects water away from the fence and towards a designated drainage area. French drains are particularly useful in sloping terrains where water can be easily channeled downhill.

Other drainage options include catch basins and graded swales. Catch basins are designed to collect and divert water to a drainage outlet, while graded swales are shallow ditches that direct water away from the fence. The choice of drainage solution will depend on the specific conditions of your property, such as the slope, soil type, and the volume of water to be managed.

5. Using Low-Quality Materials

The material quality of your aluminum fence is a pivotal factor that directly impacts its durability, appearance, and long-term maintenance costs. While aluminum is known for its resilience and corrosion resistance, the market is flooded with varying grades and qualities of aluminum fences. Opting for a low-quality variant may save you money upfront, but it's a decision that often leads to higher costs in the long run due to frequent repairs, replacements, and maintenance.


To avoid these pitfalls, you must invest in high-quality aluminum fencing. High-quality aluminum fences often come with warranties that cover defects and damages, providing an extra layer of financial security. While these premium materials may come at a higher initial cost, the long-term benefits—such as reduced maintenance, longer lifespan, and preserved property value—make it a wise investment.

At Fencing Direct, we offer high-quality aluminum fence panels and parts at unbeatable prices. You can be confident with our stock and warranties.

6. Overlooking Gate Placement

The placement of the gate in your fencing project is more than just an afterthought; it's a critical element that significantly influences the functionality, accessibility, and security of the entire setup. For example, a gate too far from the driveway could make it cumbersome to bring in a vehicle, while one too close to a busy road could pose safety risks.

The gate serves as the primary point of entry and exit, and its location can affect everything from traffic flow to emergency access. Moreover, a poorly placed gate can also impact the aesthetic balance of the fence and the property as a whole, potentially diminishing its curb appeal and, by extension, its market value.


Several factors need to be considered to ensure optimal gate placement. Start by assessing the primary purpose of the fence and the gate. Is it for security, privacy, or perhaps both? The purpose will guide the type of gate you choose—a simple swing gate for pedestrian access or a more robust, automated gate for vehicle entry.

Next, consider the layout of your property. The gate should be easily accessible from critical areas like the main entrance, driveway, or walkway. If your property has multiple points of interest, such as a front yard and a backyard, or a main house and a guest house, you may need to consider multiple gates for better functionality.

Proximity to the road is another crucial factor. A gate that's too close to the road can be dangerous, wildly so if it swings outward. On the other hand, a gate that's too far inside the property might make it inconvenient for vehicles to enter and exit, especially if they have to wait for the gate to open.

Lastly, consider the user experience. The gate should be easy to operate, whether it's manual or automated. The opening mechanism should be smooth, and the gate should provide enough space for comfortable entry and egress.