Aluminum vs. Wood Fences

There are so many popular options when choosing what fence to install, so it can be difficult to choose which one is best for you. Two of the most popular types of residential fences today are aluminum and wood fences. Our goal is to compare these for you and help you decide which fence is best for you. In our professional opinion, aluminum fences are the more cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing option, so we encourage you to examine different factors that set them apart from wood fences.

Aluminum vs. Wood: Lifespan

Aluminum fences are resistant to normal wear and tear that typically causes wood fences to break down over the years. They are coated with a powder that helps them stand firm for years rather than deteriorating over time like many other options. You will not have to worry about chipping, cracking, or paint peeling as you may with a wood fence. Aluminum fences are so sturdy that many of our manufacturers even offer lifetime warranties. Our advanced fastening systems add to the strength and stability of our fences, making our aluminum fences one of the most long-lasting options on the market.

Aluminum vs. Wood: Durability

Even if someone or something makes a conscious effort to damage your aluminum fence, the impact is much less successful than it would be for a wooden fence. The material is so durable and solid that animals, intruders, and pets alike will be no match for your fence. No matter what weather conditions come your way, your aluminum fence will stand tall, while a wood fence could suffer cracks, water damage, or other issues.

Aluminum vs. Wood: Maintenance

Because the damage is so infrequent, aluminum fences rarely require maintenance. Wood fences require frequent paintings, repairs after storms or other weather events, and eventually, replacements. The weather-resistant coating on aluminum fences prevents difficult maintenance, so the only thing you will need to do is give it an occasional rinse and wipe to remove any dust and dirt. After this, it will be good as new.

Aluminum vs. Wood: Appeal

Aluminum fences are sleek, classic, and customizable, which is why many people consider them to be more aesthetically appealing. You do not need to worry about the material splintering, the paint peeling, or a beam falling off as you may with a wood fence. Even when compared to a steel or iron fence, aluminum fences look great because they do not rust and the powdered coating keeps off most dirt. Therefore, aluminum fences almost always look like new. If a wood fence better fits the appearance you are looking to add to your yard, then that is acceptable as well, but do keep in mind all the options that come with aluminum fences when making your decision.

Aluminum vs. Wood: Customizability

In addition to looking great on its own, you can customize your aluminum fence to look however you want. Fencing Direct offers a variety of heights, colors, styles, and decorations that will make your fence look perfect with your home and landscaping. Your fence can blend into your landscaping with a simple design or stand out as an exciting, impressive statement piece, depending on what prefer. Friends and family will be in awe of your practical yet attractive landscaping addition.

Aluminum vs. Wood: Security

One of the top reasons for purchasing a fence is increasing the security for your family and home. Aluminum fences are more secure than wood fences and other competitors because they are incredibly resilient. Additionally, customization does not need to stop with style, as you can even customize your fence to be extra-secure through adding height, more rungs, and toppers. You can rest assured that your family and pets will remain in your yard, while people and animals you do not want inside will stay away. If you are looking for a fence with more privacy, many people choose wood fences since there is no space to see through, but you can easily improve the level of privacy through installing bushes or other landscaping additions.

Aluminum vs. Wood: Eco-friendliness

Rather than requiring trees to be cut down in order to build their fence, many environmentally-minded people choose aluminum fences instead. All metals are environmentally friendly, but aluminum stands farther apart because it is typically made of recycled materials. Typically, about 70 percent of an aluminum fence is made from recycled items like cans and other aluminum products. Additionally, the coating on aluminum fences is environmentally safe, while other metal fences may include toxic products and treated wood fences can damage the soil.

Aluminum vs. Wood: Ease of installation

When you order aluminum fences, they arrive much more assembled than wood fences, so it is a much easier process to set it up. All you need to do is push the posts into the ground and then add in the panels, and aluminum fence materials are much lighter than those for other fences. You are less likely to make a mistake or need to hire additional labor. Once you place your order from Fencing Direct, we will get your fencing kit to you as soon as possible, and with an aluminum fence, you are an extra step closer to enjoying the benefits.

Aluminum vs. Wood: Value

Aluminum fences are often more expensive to purchase than wood fences are. This may be discouraging, but the reason for this price difference is that when you invest in an aluminum fence, it will last much longer. While wood fences are cheap when you first buy them, the maintenance and upkeep cost much more in the long run. Depending on the wood, aluminum may even be less expensive to begin with. Both fences add value to your home, but wood fences need to be followed with painting, staining, and more labor. Overall, aluminum fences provide you the best value, even if the original investment seems a bit daunting.

After considering all of these things, many Fencing Direct customers decide that aluminum fences are ultimately the best option for them. Considerations such as maintenance, value, price, aesthetic appeal, and durability all matter quite a bit when searching for the perfect fence, so it is just up to the customer how much you want to prioritize each of these different things.

So, have you decided which fence is best for you? Fencing Direct has top-notch aluminum fencing materials and we are ready to ship them right to your door whenever you are ready. We would love to show you our different options and learn more about what you are looking for in a fence, so go ahead and give us a call today. We look forward to helping with all your fencing needs!