Installing a Vinyl Garbage Can Enclosure

If you own a home, you’ve likely spent months or years making your yard more beautiful. You may have planted trees and shrubs, grown flower gardens, and painted the walls of your home. 

However, there is one essential household item that can ruin the beauty of your home: a garbage can. Though necessary, garbage cans are unsightly, unhygienic, and unpleasant to smell. They may even bring unwanted attention from your local homeowner’s association. 

The best solution is to install a garbage can enclosure. A well-constructed enclosure will conceal the trash from the eyes and noses of your family, neighbors, and guests. Choosing the right enclosure, however, is essential. To learn more about the best option for your property, contact Fencing Direct today. 

Choosing the right material 

The most important consideration when finding the right enclosure for your property is the material. This will determine everything from the enclosure’s look and style to its durability and maintenance needs. Generally, there are three main choices you will have: plastic, vinyl, and wood. 

Plastic is a popular choice for many homeowners. It is inexpensive to install and easy to maintain. Though it may acquire dirt and grime, especially during the rainy season, you’ll easily be able to make it look brand new with a strong hose. The main disadvantage is the glossy, cheaper look that people sometimes associate with plastic. It also tends to leak, though you may decide this is not an issue for a trash bin enclosure. 

Another option is wood. The timeless, earthy appeal of wood is a draw for many homeowners. If you own a home with wood walls or fences, installing a wooden garbage can enclosure to match may be an ideal choice. The disadvantage of wood is that it requires frequent maintenance. Wood naturally fades in color over time when exposed to sunlight. It can also warp, shrink, or peel when exposed to the elements, and is susceptible to rot and termites. 

The advantage of vinyl for a garbage can enclosure

The final option is vinyl. Many homeowners find that vinyl carries many of the advantages of wood without its downsides. Vinyl is made to resemble wood, and it can easily be painted to match or complement the color of your home. Unlike wood, vinyl will retain its color over time, meaning you won’t need to stain or repaint it every two to three years. 

Durable and tough, vinyl fence will easily stand up to wear and tear. Vinyl is about five times stronger than wood. It will even withstand exposure to the elements without warping or twisting. The obvious advantage of this strength is that it will retain its visual appeal without the need for maintenance or replacement. However, there is a less obvious advantage: vinyl will provide more privacy than wood. 

If your goal of installing an enclosure is to hide your trash can, you’ll want the enclosure to retain its size and shape. Over time, as the wood begins to shrink and warp, the trash bin may become visible to passers-by. Vinyl, on the other hand, will provide the perfect shield against the unpleasant sight and smell of the trash bin. 

Making your property more appealing 

Ideally, your new garbage can enclosure will not only hide your trash, but also add to the beauty of your property. Trash can enclosures come in many shapes and sizes. They can be custom-built to perfectly fit your trash bins. You can also choose between different styles. For example, some people prefer a flat roof, while others prefer a slanted roof or even one that curves toward a gentle peak. 

If you choose a wooden or vinyl enclosure, you’ll also need to decide which way you want your boards to slant. Generally, the options are horizontal, vertical, and diagonal, but you may also choose different combinations of these directions. Some people even opt to add a little spacing between boards for a more modern look. 

Finally, you’ll need to choose the color of the enclosure. You may simply choose to stain a wooden enclosure, letting the vibrant, natural appeal of the wood speak for itself. Alternatively, you could add some paint. Some people choose to paint the enclosure the same color as the home. You could also complement the color scheme of the home. For example, if your shutters and picket fence are white, a white enclosure will beautifully complement your home’s color scheme. 

Installing a strong foundation 

When installing a garbage can enclosure, you’ll need a strong foundation. An enclosure that is not firmly installed in the ground may easily be moved or damaged by wind, rain, and animals. Generally, you’ll have two foundation options: wood or concrete. Each has strengths and weaknesses. 

A wooden foundation is cheaper and easier to install. Additionally, if your enclosure is made of wood or vinyl, a wooden foundation may be a more natural and visually-appealing match. However, as mentioned above, wood is more susceptible to wear and tear over time. If you’re in an area prone to strong winds or flooding, a wooden foundation is also more likely to be damaged or displaced. 

A concrete foundation takes longer and is more expensive to install. It is susceptible to cracking and chipping over time; however, it is stronger and more durable than wood. Concrete is the ideal choice if you plan to install the enclosure in an area that floods frequently. 

Choosing the right garbage can enclosure 

When choosing the perfect garbage can enclosure for your property, start by considering its purpose. Is your main goal durability, visual appeal, or keeping the cost down? You’ll also want to consider your yard’s natural environment. For example, if your yard is frequently visited by pests like rodents, possums, or raccoons, you’ll want a more durable and tightly-constructed enclosure. 

If you decide you’re ready to install a garbage can enclosure, consider contacting Fencing Direct about your needs. We offer well-constructed enclosures that meet your specific requirements. Our experts would also be happy to discuss your needs and help you determine the perfect enclosure for your property. Reach out for consultation today.