Why Installing a Fence First Makes a New Dog the Perfect Gift

As the holidays approach, many families consider adding a furry friend to their household. It's a heartwarming idea to picture a puppy under the Christmas tree, but there's an important step you should consider before bringing home your new canine companion: installing a fence. At Fencing Direct, we understand the significance of this decision and how a fence can welcome a new pet. Let's explore why ordering and installing your fence first is a wise and responsible choice.

Preparation Before the Puppy Arrives

Timely Installation 

Planning ahead by ordering a fence from Fencing Direct ensures that your yard is pet-ready by the time you bring your new puppy home. This forward-thinking approach not only secures your property but also creates a welcoming environment for your new family member.

With Fencing Direct as your fence supplier, you get high-quality fence panels and parts designed for homeowners like you, making the installation process straightforward. 

A Family Decision, Not Just a Surprise

While surprising your family with a new dog might seem appealing, it's essential to remember that a dog is a significant commitment. Discussing the decision with your family ensures that everyone is prepared for the responsibilities that come with pet ownership.

Installing a fence prior to getting a dog can be a part of this family discussion. It's a tangible step that demonstrates the seriousness of pet ownership and the commitment to creating a safe environment for the new pet.

Training and Bonding in a Secure Environment

Safe Training Space

A fenced yard provides a controlled space in which to train your new dog. You can bond uninterrupted and teach basic commands and behaviors in a stress-free environment.

Beyond training, a fenced yard offers a safe place for your dog to play and exercise. This is crucial for a puppy's development and overall well-being.

Balancing Yard Freedom with Leash Training

The Importance of Leash Training

While a fenced yard offers convenience for quick potty breaks and safe playtime, it's vital to balance this with leash training. Regular walks are essential for socialization and exercise.

For puppies, a secured yard is invaluable. It provides a safe and easy spot for those frequent potty breaks during house training, reducing accidents inside the house.

Bringing a new dog into your family this Christmas is a decision that comes with joyful responsibilities. By choosing to install a fence from Fencing Direct first, you are taking a proactive step in creating a safe and loving environment for your new pet. Not only does this prepare your home for the new addition, but it also involves your family in the process, ensuring that everyone is ready for the exciting journey ahead. Remember, a well-fenced yard is more than just a boundary; it's the first step in building a lasting bond with your new furry family member.

Learn more about how Fencing Direct can help keep your newest family members safe:

Finding the Best Fence for a Dog

Is Vinyl Fencing Good for Dogs?