9 Ways to Make Aluminum Fence Installation Easier

Installing an aluminum fence can be a big task, especially for homeowners who want to do it themselves. This blog will discuss some difficulties you may encounter and offer solutions to help you install your aluminum fence. You can do it! You just need to know how to do it the easy way.

8 Ways to Make Your DIY Aluminum Fence Installation Easier

Select the Right Type of Aluminum Fencing for Your Property

Consider factors like the height, style, and color of the fence and its intended purpose (e.g., privacy, security, or decoration). Research various options and consult with professionals to ensure you select the most suitable fence for your property.

Proper Measurements and Planning

Before you begin the installation process, ensure you have accurate property measurements. This will help you buy the right amount of fence panels and avoid any surprises during installation. Consider the terrain and obstacles like trees or rocks that might affect the installation.

Ordering Extra Panels and Racking on the Terrain

Order one or two extra panels, as they will come in handy, especially when dealing with uneven terrain. Aluminum fences can rack up to 30 inches over 6 feet without special rails. This racking ability allows the fence to adjust to slopes, making it more visually appealing and functional, but racking shortens the length of the fence. You must ensure you account for this lost length in your planning.

Adjusting the Fence After Installation

Once the fence is installed, making adjustments can be difficult. To avoid this problem, double-check measurements and the placement of posts before proceeding with the installation.

Preparing Holes and Cement Mix

Dig all the holes and place the posts BEFORE purchasing the cement mix. This ensures everything is in place correctly before you start curing the cement. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the proper cement mix and water ratio.

Following Manufacturer's Instructions

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure proper aluminum fence installation. These guidelines provide the necessary steps and precautions to avoid common mistakes and ensure the longevity of your fence.

Cold Weather Installation Challenges

Installing an aluminum fence in cold weather can be challenging, as the ground may be frozen and more difficult to work with. If possible, schedule the installation during warmer months. If you must install in cold weather, use appropriate tools and techniques to make the process easier.

Avoiding Cement with Lyme or Acidic pH

When selecting cement for your fence installation, avoid products containing lyme or those with an acidic pH. These can damage the aluminum and reduce the lifespan of your fence. See our blog on what cement types to use.

The 9th Way: Hire a Professional

After purchasing fencing materials online, you might feel overwhelmed by the idea of installing the fence yourself. Don't hesitate to hire a professional installer if this is the case. Pros offer a lot of benefits, not least your time.

Don't Be Embarrassed to Hire a Professional

Installing a fence can be a time-consuming process. If you're a homeowner who doesn’t want to bother, there's no shame in hiring a professional to handle the job. Remember that everyone has different skill sets and comfort levels regarding DIY projects.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Installer

A professional installer will have expertise in fence installation, access to specialized tools and equipment, and faster project completion. A professional will ensure the fence is installed correctly and securely, saving you time and potential frustration.

Selecting a Qualified Installer

Choosing a qualified and reputable installer is essential to ensure a successful fencing project. Research different companies and contractors in your area, ask for recommendations from friends or neighbors and request quotes from multiple installers to make an informed decision.

Checking Reviews and Reputation

Read through customer reviews and testimonials to understand the installer's reputation and work quality. Remember that reviews can sometimes be one-sided, so it's essential to read them critically and look for patterns or consistent issues.

Potential Costs of Hiring a Professional Installer

The cost of hiring a professional installer will vary depending on your location, the project's complexity, and the installer's experience level. Request quotes from multiple installers to get a better idea of the potential costs and to compare prices.

Weighing the Cost Against Your Time

Consider the value of your time when deciding whether to hire a professional or attempt the installation yourself. Hiring a professional might be more expensive upfront, but it can save you time, effort, and potential mistakes that could result in costly repairs.

Equipment Rental and Manpower Considerations

If you choose to install the fence yourself, you may need to rent specialized equipment, which can be costly and time-consuming. A professional installer will likely already have access to the necessary equipment and have a team to complete the project more efficiently.